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sábado, 5 de octubre de 2019




Sunlight Energy Enterprises ha consultado con varios expertos tanto de Islandia, Dinamarca, Estados Unidosen el campo de plantas geotermales y hemos debido mantener separado las proyecciones para la inversión solar, eólica e hidráulica. Aquí constan solamente las proyecciones que permiten analizar la influencia de los costos y riesgos del desarrollo geotérmico durante la planificación del proyecto y los esfuerzos a ser financiados, sin su cuantificación. Hay muchos factores que hacen que los costos de desarrollo geotérmico varíen sustancialmente y podrían afectar al proyecto. Por lo tanto, estas proyecciones son específicas a nuestro proyecto de Chachimbiro y contando aspectos de inversión presentes bajo el actual gobierno. Esto podría cambiar significativamente si nuevas reglas se aplican.

Los componentes de costos analizados en este capítulo pueden ilustrar la visión conceptual durante el desarrollo del proyecto geotérmico de inversión. Aquí se presentan los siguientes aspectos:

 - el origen de los costos durante el desarrollo geotérmico,

- los factores que influyen en los costos,

- la variación de los costos globales a través de varias etapas del proyecto

- los diferentes tipos de riesgo financiero que deben reconocerse y abordarse.

9.1.1. ¿Qué factores influyen en los costos de una planta de energía geotérmica?

Hay muchos factores que influyen en el costo de una planta de energía geotérmica. En general, las plantas geotérmicas se ven afectadas por el costo del acero, otros metales y mano de obra, que son universales para la industria energética. Sin embargo, los costos de perforación también pueden variar. Los proyectos geotérmicos son específicos del sitio, por lo que los costos para conectarse a la red eléctrica varían de un proyecto a otro. Además, si el proyecto es el primero en un área o reservorio en particular afecta tanto los riesgos como los costos. La adquisición y el arrendamiento de tierras también varían, porque para explorar completamente un recurso geotérmico se requiere arrendar u obtener los derechos del área, de acuerdo con la legislación del país. Los desafíos para el arrendamiento y los permisos podrán afectar los costos del proyecto. Estos factores incluyen:

• Tamaño de la planta

• Tecnología de planta de energía

• Conocimiento del recurso

• Temperatura del recurso

• Química del agua geotérmica

• Profundidad y permeabilidad de los recursos

• Políticas ambientales

• Incentivos fiscales

• Mercados

• Opciones y costos de financiamiento

• Retrasos de tiempo


Hay muchas maneras diferentes de dividir los costos de desarrollo geotérmico en categorías. Un modelo, para ilustrar de dónde provienen los costos en un proyecto, es dividirlos en las siguientes categorías:

 1) Costos asociados con la adquisición y preparación del sitio o costos de establecimiento

2) Costos para explorar, confirmar y evaluar el recurso geotérmico

3) Costos de perforación profunda para pozos de producción e inyección

4) Costos para el sistema de producción e inyección

5) Adquisición e instalación de la planta de energía

6) Conexión de la planta de energía a la red de transmisión

7) Costos generales para la administración y gestión del proyecto.


9.2.1. Costos de establecimiento Los temas incluidos en esta categoría de la fase de preparación son:

- Concesión o adquisición de arrendamiento

- Permisos

 - Estudios ambientales

- Obras civiles (preparación de carreteras, plataformas de perforación, sitio e infraestructura de la planta, suministro de agua)

- Instalaciones de apoyo.

9.2.2. Costos para la exploración y confirmación de recursos

Esta categoría consta de los siguientes componentes:

- Exploración de superficie

- Perforación superficial

- Evaluación a través de estudios de prefactibilidad y factibilidad.

9.2.3 Costos para pozos de producción e inyección Esta categoría incluye costos para:

- Movilización

- Perforación

- Registro

 - Pruebas

9.2.4. Costos del sistema de producción e inyección En esta categoría se incluyen los costos de las piezas del equipo de producción:

- Tubería de producción

- Separadores

- Tubería de inyección

- Bombas de producción

- Bombas de inyección

- Sistemas de inhibición de corrosión

9.2.5. Costos para adquirir e instalar la planta de energía En esta categoría, los costos incluidos son:

- Diseño e ingeniería de la planta de energía

- Procedimientos de adquisición y fase completa de construcción

- Pruebas y control.

 9.2.6. Costos para conectar la planta de energía a la red de transmisión En esta categoría, los costos incluidos cubren los siguientes aspectos:

- Conexión a la red

- Patios de conmutación

- Transmisión. 


9.2.7. Costos generales para la administración y gestión del proyecto Esta categoría cubre los siguientes aspectos de los costos:

- Gestión del proyecto

- Administración del proyecto y la compañía

- Costos de seguro

- Diferentes tarifas de financiamiento

9.3. PRESENTACIÓN DEL POSIBLE DESGLOSE DE COSTOS Cada una de las categorías en los costos totales del proyecto geotérmico tiene una contribución diferente. Para ilustrar los valores de porcentajes de las categorías de costos, aquí se da un ejemplo para el desarrollo del proyecto geotérmico de 50 MW de Chachimbiro con aproximadamente los costos esperados supuestos por categorías. La estructura del desglose de costos aproximados para el ejemplo analizado, el desarrollo del proyecto geotérmico de 50 MW, se muestra a continuación. Se debe tomar en cuenta que el valor aceptado mundialmente por MW es alrededor de $3,000 USD. Sin embargo en Islandia y Dinamarca se han logrado realizar varias plantas por la mitad de dicho valor. Por eso considerando dichos costos que se ven reflejados en nuestros cálculos hemos redondeado a los valores aproximados.

 9.1 y el gráfico en la figura

 9.1. Tabla 1.

 Desglose de costos por categorías

Categorías de costos

Costos (USD mil) USD / KW% del total Costos del establecimiento $ 4 millones 0 4%

Costos para explorar, confirmar y evaluar el recurso geotérmico $ 2 millones 0 2%

Costos para perforación profunda para pozos de producción e inyección $ 30 millones o 30%

Costos para el sistema de producción e inyección $ 11millones o 11%

Costos para adquirir e instalar la planta de energía $ 38millones 0 38%

Costos para conectar la planta de energía a la red de transmisión $ 10millones o 10%

Costos para administración y gestión del proyecto $ 5millones o 5%

Total $ 100 millones 0 100%

Figura 9.1. Gráfico del desglose de costos

DESGLOSE DE COSTOS 4% 2% 11% 38% 10% 5% 30%

Costos para establecer

Costos para explorar, confirmar y evaluar el recurso geotérmico

Costos para perforación profunda para pozos de producción e inyección

Costos para el sistema de producción e inyección Costos para adquirir e instalar la planta de energía Costos para conectar la planta de energía a la red de transmisión Costos para la administración y gestión del proyecto

SISTEMAS Y TECNOLOGÍAS GEOTÉRMICAS La gran parte de los costos totales se contabiliza para la perforación y el desarrollo de pozos y para la planta de energía y la conexión costos que cubren aproximadamente el 90% de los costos totales.

Otros costos son relativamente menores. Sin embargo, su impacto es significativo a través de fases bien hechas en la planificación, preparación y gestión del proyecto. Si se omite que esas fases se realicen correctamente, podrían tener un mayor riesgo y costos de perforación y desarrollo del campo.

9.4. COSTOS GLOBALES DEL DESARROLLO DE PROYECTOS GEOTÉRMICOS Se han realizado diferentes estudios que abordan los costos generales del desarrollo de proyectos geotérmicos. Existen diferencias acerca de qué costos generales son típicos debido a muchas variaciones entre los proyectos y el país de implementación. En general, según los estudios analizados, la mayoría de los proyectos geotérmicos se encuentran en el rango de 3.000 USD a 6.000 USD por MW, con todas las categorías de costos presentadas anteriormente. Cabe destacar que Chachimbiro no está un lugar remoto, existe vias muy cerca y existe mano de obra cercana. Los costos deberían por ende mantenerse en parámetros de alrededor de $3,000 por MW y mas bien a costos logrados en Nueva Zelandia o Islandia.

9.5. IMPACTO DE DIFERENTES FACTORES EN LOS COSTOS Los diferentes factores de diferentes maneras tienen un impacto en los diversos componentes de costos relacionados con el desarrollo del proyecto geotérmico, como se muestra en la tabla

9.2. Tabla

9.2. Factores con impacto en los diversos componentes de costos Ubicación del proyecto

 Costos locales

 Infraestructura local

Entorno regulador

Características de los recursos


Costos para establecer

Costos para explorar, confirmar y evaluar el recurso geotérmico Costos para perforación profunda para pozos de producción e inyección

Costos para el sistema de producción e inyección

Costos para adquisición e instalación de la planta de energía

Costos para conectar la planta de energía a la red de transmisión

Costos para la administración y gestión del proyecto

Bajo Intermedio Alto

La ubicación del proyecto podría tener un fuerte impacto en los costos de perforación debido a la necesidad de movilizar equipos y materiales para Una ubicación remota. Los retrasos en el cronograma de un proyecto medidos en el tiempo podrían tener un gran impacto en los costos de gestión, porque estos costos se incurren continuamente una vez que se establece un equipo de proyecto. Las características de los recursos también pueden tener un fuerte impacto en los costos de exploración y desarrollo de recursos y también en las categorías de costos de plantas de energía y tuberías porque determinarán muchas de las especificaciones de las instalaciones necesarias.

Algunas de las categorías de costos se ven significativamente afectadas por varios factores, al igual que los costos de los pozos de producción / inyección fuertemente afectados por las características de los recursos, la ubicación del proyecto, los costos locales y el cumplimiento del cronograma de realización.



 Analizando el progreso del desarrollo en términos de las etapas de un proyecto, la figura 9.2 y la figura 9.3 presentan una visión diferente de la distribución de costos y riesgos. Usando los números del ejemplo dado anteriormente, hipotético proyecto de 50 MW, se espera que gasten alrededor de $ 100,000 para el proyecto. Pero la meta es no gastar mas de $75 millones y es posible hacerlo. Es probable que la exploración de la superficie, incluyendo algunas perforaciones superficiales para medir gradientes de temperatura, cueste del orden de $ 1,000,000. Cuando se inicia la perforación de pozos profundos, para confirmar el recurso y demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto, se espera que gaste varios millones. Sin embargo se debe mantener al mínimo porque se puede crear desbalance al recurso termal. Finalmente, la construcción del proyecto costará un orden de magnitud más, teniendo en cuenta la perforación de desarrollo, la central eléctrica y la conexión a la red.

9.2. Distribución de costos por etapas


La Figura 9.3 presenta una curva cualitativa que indica los cambios de riesgo por etapas de costos. El riesgo disminuye de etapa en etapa porque para cubrir el riesgo exponencialmente se planea más presupuesto para ese propósito en cada etapa sucesiva. Pero en este sector, la mayoría de los proyectos enfrentan un punto donde el costo y el riesgo son altos. Aquí se necesita una inversión de $ 10 millones para perforar pozos de confirmación de recursos. Pero el costo inicial para el primer pozo en costo de maquinaria se verá mitigado para los demás pozos reduciendo significatuivamente el costo de los otros pozos.

En este punto, un proyecto no puede ser financiado en su totalidad por el financiamiento de la deuda porque el riesgo sigue siendo demasiado alto. Al mismo tiempo, el gasto necesario es lo suficientemente alto como para que no sea fácil encontrar inversores dispuestos a asumir todo el riesgo. Este es el punto donde se pueden utilizar diferentes mecanismos para gestionar el riesgo, como la asistencia directa de los gobiernos o los programas de seguros, o el valor real para promover un mayor desarrollo geotérmico. En el caso concreto con Ecuador el riesgo es exponencial cuando no existe la ley de inversión que especifique que se concederá treinta años al proyecto, promesas del gobierno al respecto pueden ser contenciosas.


Figura 9.3. Riesgo por etapas de costos Es difícil separar los riesgos financieros de los riesgos técnicos en un proyecto geotérmico, o incluso definir exactamente lo que significa riesgos financieros. Este análisis se enfoca en el riesgo que surge cuando los arreglos de financiamiento del proyecto no coinciden o están sincronizados con los planes técnicos y el cronograma de desarrollo que ocurre con frecuencia durante el desarrollo de los proyectos geotérmicos. Pocos ejemplos sobre las razones de los riesgos financieros:

 - Un caso que puede ocurrir fácilmente es que los requisitos urgentes para el mantenimiento de una concesión o licencia, impuestos por las autoridades reguladoras, no son compatibles con el tiempo que lleva reunir el capital de inversión que se necesita. para financiar las actividades requeridas.

- Otro caso con los requisitos de un acuerdo de compra de energía, si ocurre que minimizará el riesgo, pero las posibles demoras en el financiamiento podrían poner en riesgo el acuerdo y el proyecto de compra de energía.

 - Otro caso de riesgo financiero es un desajuste entre los términos de un acuerdo de inversión o un acuerdo de préstamo. Si los términos no son flexibles, los resultados inesperados podrían llevar a una violación de los términos, lo que podría crear una pérdida de tiempo y costos en ambos lados. Durante el desarrollo del proyecto geotérmico, los siguientes aspectos pueden ayudar a mitigar los riesgos financieros:

- Para hacer planes realistas para el desarrollo, es necesario pensar simultáneamente en las necesidades técnicas, las necesidades administrativas y las necesidades financieras del proyecto.

- Permitir contingencias en tiempo y presupuesto en áreas donde hay incertidumbre para estar preparados para resultados inesperados en algunos aspectos del desarrollo, porque es casi seguro que ocurran.

- Es importante comprender la tolerancia al riesgo de los inversores y prestamistas para asegurarse de que el proyecto no tenga más riesgos incorporados de los que se sentirán cómodos.

- Sea realista sobre los riesgos al acordar los términos de la inversión o préstamo. Esto podría generar algunos costos adicionales por adelantado, o incluso retrasar el financiamiento, pero dará sus frutos en menos problemas financieros en el proceso de desarrollo.

- Pensar de antemano sobre lo que podría cambiar a medida que avanza el desarrollo, y desarrollar cierta flexibilidad para hacer frente a esos cambios dentro de los términos de la financiación. Como ejemplo: asegúrese de que, si es necesario perforar uno o dos pozos más de lo esperado, el cambio en el cronograma y el presupuesto se puede acomodar según los términos del acuerdo de financiamiento. De lo contrario, el tiempo y el dinero de los inversionistas se pondrá a riesgo.

SISTEMAS Y TECNOLOGÍAS GEOTÉRMICAS pueden perderse en reuniones, conferencias telefónicas y la reescritura de los términos del préstamo solo para ocuparse de algo que de hecho ocurre con bastante frecuencia. Una vez que hay un compromiso con el financiamiento, los financieros son socios en el proyecto y están tan interesados en su éxito como el desarrollador, a pesar de que sus objetivos específicos pueden ser algo diferentes. Por lo tanto, si hay cambios o problemas en el desarrollo, lo mejor es mantener a los financieros informados sobre lo que está sucediendo y en el proceso para encontrar una solución dentro del acuerdo de financiamiento.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Environmental Study

The next study was made for Sunlight Energy Enterprises and it was conducted to meet the possible demands of the government in the approval process, it is expected that investment guarantees should be extended to ensure fair and reciprocal investment gain is achieved. The simple truth is that without an environmental study we could never expect approval.
After analyzing carefully the economic circumstances of the collapse of the global economy in 2008 we had formulated this analysis. We must be aware of the interventionist policies of the government of Ecuador and the lack of reliable laws, we must also take in consideration the lack of an independent Supreme Court that it is practically incapable of taking decisions in accordance with the law, but rather to the political whim of its members. At the same time extremely high tariffs (up to 40%) makes solar and wind systems extremely expensive and very few if any incentives are offered by the government of Ecuador.
All projects must be approved before presenting the results of the financial and economic evaluation to establish an analysis to indicate whether the projects have a high probability of being economically and financially feasible ; Apart from being able to consider the serious impacts on environmental resources in the area also to avoid causing large losses in the economic welfare of the communities in the province and all citizens living in the vicinity of the geothermal Chachimbiro complex where several rivers are born. We estimate that our company will build and operate a unique hybrid power plant in the world could gain around 97 million in net present value terms annually.
This figure is the sum of the profits of each year, which are discounted using an interest rate which reflects potential income from other investments and the cost of credit to indicate an investment is feasible.
We translate the financial value to an economic figure for a broader approach, considering the costs and benefits for Ecuador as a whole and not just for the investor. This conversion makes the analysis excluding any taxes or subsidies, which are artificial transfer mechanisms introduced by the State, using shadow prices, which correct deficiencies in the structure of markets for inputs and outputs of the project. Finally external shocks, defined as those forgone by the company financially, but clearly assignable to activities included.
The economic net present value of the project was estimated at 92 million: 40 million for geothermal production, 15 million for solar production, 22 million for wind energy production. This last result masks the fact that the negative impacts of the project are concentrated in an environment of global importance for conservation, and social sector traditionally abandoned and disadvantaged.
There is a need to establish very clearly the demarcation of the park Cayapas- Cotacachi to avoid damage either in deforestation due to the creation of new access roads near their limits, and the possibility that migratory birds could affect some areas. If biodiversity is affected choco Ecuador, it is likely that impacts will spread to other ecosystems, as its geographical location, serves as a bridge for the exchange of fauna between the Colombian and Ecuadorian region choco and with them the rest South America
Complex Cotacachi Cayapas- shaped central part is one of the regions of the planet with greater endemism and biodiversity. Due to lack of reliable data, this study does not estimate a monetary value for any losses in biodiversity, and calculates the additional costs of monitoring and management of protected forest. However, as an integral support to remedy nature Sunlight Energy Enterprises Inc , proposes voluntarily make planting five million trees in the next five years throughout the area comprising the Chachimbiro geothermal complex. Creating a positive both biodiversity and environmental impact. We stuck to an estimated gross cost of carbon dioxide emissions and the cost of a rescue attempt of birds and animals that could be affected by the project. The first value is 13 million, while the second was estimated 24millones. Apart from the environmental impacts would be the socio-cultural communities between Urcuqui and Pablo Arenas.
These communities must be given opportunities to work on projects and therefore training and employment opportunities should be offered. If the project is approved by the national government and local governments, these communities shall not be isolated and we should work hard so that we can minimize any damage to natural resources. Rather, we should strive to provide work in building roads and work that will serve as a positive impact in their communities, working together and in consultation with leaders of these communities. Besides that the company will voluntarily make donations to schools, colleges, universities in the province to encourage education and social welfare. Considering the case, it is not possible to reduce to a monetary figure the effects on common history and traditions that would be affected by the works and opening of access roads. Therefore, this analysis is intended only to glimpse the uses that communities make of natural resources and the increase in the cost of living that involves the comprehensive development of the Province. In the case of the area of ​​the city Yachay proposal we firmly believe that the government should provide compensation to the communities of El Puente, San Antonio, Tapiapamba, Las Mercedes, Tola and San Vicente. According to our calculations, these communities will suffer losses that could reach 56.2 million. This is a clear case in which an economically efficient investment will not be fair. The analysis in a projection of similar situations in other countries it should be noted that the benefits of creating a knowledge city and an industrial area would receive Yachay private company, the lending banks and the government , while the costs communities would bear the Province of Imbabura
It is recommended that the municipalities of the Province obtain an independent study of the true economic impact that will be caused by the creation of a city that it is certainly much more than a university and industrial complex, there is no question that tourism will also be affected and especially here requires at least five years in the medium-term and probably about twenty years of development that will require constant subsidies from the government that may cause the abandonment of the other cities. It is therefore important that there is a contract or formal commitment of the government with Sunlight Energy Enterprises  of the distribution of costs and benefits.
In theory, this non- equitable distribution of costs and benefits can be corrected through compensation to institutions. In practice, compensation and environmental measures are often insufficient in the context of major infrastructure projects. Environmental Impact Studies that were conducted by Sunlight Enterprises Inc. only with the opportunity to present the project to create a hybrid plant geothermal, solar, and hydro and wind in the Province of Imbabura did not consider more than the creation of a small university complex with the planning and investment of Universities like Oxford, MIT. UVA and George Mason. We never considered such a huge complex of University City, City of Tourism and Industrial city as it is being proposed with Yachay. Therefore, we do suggest that spending on social compensation and environmental protection will reduce the impacts that we have calculated in this study, which, in any case, are only estimates of partial damage. However, following the preliminary study and a computerized calculation it is estimated that if Sunlight Energy Enterprises participates in creating a production of at least 200MW hydro and wind, the Province may receive at least 87 million in profits. Yachay on the other hand in the current form since it requires subsidies from the central government and tax incentives to the Corean Company it will be pretty costly to the Province. We have a projection that indicates that the losses to expect in loss of businesses and damages to the economy of the Province will be around 95 million.  In other words the construction of a power plant with the capacity and design and has been patented by Sunlight Energy Enterprises becomes important as their contribution payments in local and provincial taxes will be significant to compensate and mitigate the impacts of Yachay .
Finally, we must recognize that any work of this magnitude brings impacts on the environment and culture that cannot be avoided or mitigated. It is up to the Ecuadorian society, mainly citizens of Imbabura to decide if the benefits of energy for domestic and export consumption are important enough to justify these sacrifices. Our study was conducted considering the proposed plant to the government of Ecuador. Our estimates do not consider the environmental impact of college Yachay industrial Yachay . tourist Yachay
PS. We have withheld some figures and certain full details. I left some figures for illustration and that this study is not used for other purposes.
Computer analysis: Economic projection:
Government Income Population Nature Company Bank loss
Energy sales (5% sales) 27 , 739
Taxes construction investment Generation Costs March 07 -8.883
Sales and administrative expenses -906
Tax (30 % income) 75 084 Increase in unrealized loss monitoring costs
Removing forest cover -24.896
Modifications aquatic fauna , wildlife -1.335
Fragile areas (biodiversity, loss not
Climatological factors ) quantified
Changes -56.202 living conditions
Changes indigenous culture , mixed culture , unquantified loss
Changes in health and education -
Total Impact on Sector 95 million lost Rates comunidades-B/.56 , 202 -B / . P 26.23
Possible tax payments locales.87, 957 Gross Value
Legal environment

• Adoption of Local Government and central Ecuador is in the process.
• Permits: All necessary permits will be obtained as required under
• Sunlight will comply with all environmental work requirements, and all other regulations of the country.
• Agreements: A special agreement with the central government of Ecuador regarding the guarantee of investment must be part of the same agreement to invest in Ecuador. A minimum of thirty -year warranty on the ownership and management of the Company or otherwise compensated.
• Requirements zoning and construction laws. Sunlight plans to build using the highest industry standards in both construction and in all buildings.
• Insurance Coverage. It is important to get insurance in all aspects of the construction
• Trademarks, copyrights, or patents (pending, existing, or Purchased ) A full list of patents, Copyright and Trademarks will be documented.
The Future:
When we initiated the plan in 2007 we analyzed all the circumstances. The biggest challenger is actually not to be able to count with the scientific personnel that is needed to run an enterprise of such magnitude. Therefore we had laid out what the ideal University should be. It is the intention of Sunlight Energy Enterprises to devote at least 15% of earning to the development of a scientific University unlike no other. The great difference will be that every single student will be required to “be hands on” in all the projects. Every year students will be required to participate in helping build, repair, and work on all the projects of the University and we are hopeful that we could engage American Universities in these endeavor.

We are looking into the future and as such we have designed several building, structures and sevral inventions to improve and build better structures in architecture, and in our development:

Business Plan part III English

The wind factor
We intend to build at least 30 wind towers of at least 30 KW each to generate at least 20MW of wind power.
Screw Generator
Another great idea that we have is to renew existing facilities. There is an old hydroelectric plant in Imbabura that with our unique knowledge and design can be made into a powerful source of energy by using a unique design by using the ideal application of the screw generator with small fall heads. We can get high and constant efficiency with different capacities and head: The efficiency curve shows a flat and high efficiency over a wide range of capacity. Varying capacities and heads hardly have an effect on efficiency. The screw generator does not need any grease pump for lubrication of the bottom bearing which will improve the efficiency and decrease operational costs.
The screw generator is robust, extremely reliable and can be used for a long time. The screw generator, consist of a few wear parts. The combination with the low rotational frequency results in low wear. A lifetime of 25 till 30 years is not an exception, where the efficiency stays the same over the years. But not only that we can have our screw generator made out of carbon composite which makes actually increase the time and efficiency. The reduction in weight will allow us to have up to ten units in the existing stock of the facility. If we get at least 500KW. Multiplied by ten units we will be able to produce an incredible amount of 5000 KW of electric power with a very low investment.
Our system could be extremely efficient.  Its maintenance-friendly and low Maintenance costs: Due to the simple and robust design, Sunlight Energy Enterprises Inc. screw generator installations require minimum maintenance. It can also use the existent structure and adapt it to be able to save lots of money.  Can operate with variable and fixed speed. Power production up to 500 kW
 Wide range of flows. The Sunlight Energy Enterprises Inc screw generator is capable of handling flows from 100l/s - 15m3/s each. It is also designed to have a Multi-stage application possible. Wide range of heads. Any head up to 12m for a single-stage up to 24m for a two-stage installation is possible.
 No cleaning necessary. Cleaning of the screw generator is not necessary. The generator is self-cleaning. No efficiency loss due to dirt build-up.
 Low civil costs. Simple foundation with two concrete supports can be sufficient. Units can be specifically designed to suit existing civil layouts.
II . General Description of the Company
The thermal /hydraulic /solar/ wind system to be built by Sunlight Energy Enterprises Inc. presents several unique innovations that enable to triple production. This electricity generation will be perhaps only 20MW initially (solar and wind generation power) but by the end of construction the production plant will have a minimum of 150 MW of electricity generation at all times and eventually we would like to reach production of at least 400MW of electricity, making it the largest renewable energy center in Latin America. This is unique in the world as the volume of water that will be used from the geothermal source, will be minimal compared to any other plant. We do not expect shortages of water as the system integrates pools, reservoirs and storage that will serve the tourism complex to be built.
The company has the sole purpose of developing products and services that will be developed progressively. Initially, we will begin with the generation of electricity from a wind turbine and solar panels in the very same building that is under construction in Ibarra, Ecuador and where we plan to have our headquarters in the city of Ibarra. Forty panels will be installed on top of the building generating our own electricity and becoming a very visible marketing tool as it is at the very entrance of the city.
The first part of the process, of course, is registering the Ecuadorian subsidiary company in Ecuador and the foundation and establishment of the company registered for operations in Imbabura, Ecuador. Sunlight Energy plans to be working with the communities to achieve approval of the various parts of the project. It is critical for the approval and requirements of the Ecuadorian government and local authorities in the province of Imbabura. The second is to develop profits as soon as possible and therefore it is crucial to start on the construction of the pyramid and the first wind tower while the process of approval for the whole project is worked out with local authorities and the central government, and of course, some road construction is done. We foresee that the geothermal power project (6MW - 8 MW) will be the longest to be approved and therefore the last to be built, while we build the infrastructure of the solar plant and the Eolic Park. Then we will be installing the solar panels on the solar pyramid, the same that could become immediately a huge tourist attraction. Thus it is important to complete at least partially part of said facilities. At the same time, construction of the rest of the plant will continue as the structure will also serve as home to the geothermal plant and hydraulic stations. Afterwards, the water reservoirs and condensation system will be built to integrate with the hydropower. We are hoping to have production of at least 20 MW of hydraulic power. It is extremely important to facilitate the clear reading of the true capacity allocated winds and planned sites. Thus, facilitating the integration of the different parts of the project as they are being completed and become a whole of the plan, while we conduct and get reliable readings of wind energy and solar power, and we continue increasing its production as we will continue to build more and more turbines. Notably, collaboration and cooperation will be sought with universities in the Imbabura province as the Electricity production centre will become a centre of the technological study of Ecuador (Read the reference analysis Yachay). In the first year we can expect the solar production of at least 20 MW and eventually the production of at least 120 MW to be implemented. In the two-year term production capacity could be at least 300MW and we hope to reach 400MW at the end of three years.
Eventually, we want to be able to have at least 30 wind turbines in the wind farm and part of the hybrid solar, thermal and hydropower. The ideal should be around fifty. Everything will depend on government payments, costs of turbines and cost on the approval process of our projects. Therefore it is important to plant the development of a tourist resort and a place of recreation and bottled water to receive constant income.
The founder of the company has designed and patented this hybrid system that has the potential to revolutionize electricity production in Ecuador and in some selected and strategic locations in Chile, Argentina and other strategic geographical locations where existent resources could allow something very similar. Therefore this is only the beginning and we would continue to strive to get such centres approved in those countries and it becomes imperative to succeed quickly and efficiently in Ecuador. The patented design of our hybrid plant is innovative and never before seen or implemented using geothermal, hydro, solar and wind. But that's not all; the design of the plant takes advantage of every situation, not just the incredible geographical position in the Andean mountains of Imbabura and the incredible position in the equator where blowing winds from the Pacific Ocean create a favourable wind system. For the solar system, we simply have the equatorial sun which as we explain a little further it the strongest in the world. But that's not all; we plan to develop electricity using the waste of the residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural new city of Yachay
Also worth noting that we have in place not only the design, and patents of the power plants, but also the structures, buildings, complex operation of our plant are already available for us to proceed as soon as the financing and permits allow it. All plans may require modifications and changes according to the demands of building inspectors and building codes and according to the terrain in which it is built; the necessary changes can be easily made.
We believe our solar pyramid has the potential to become a nice tourist attraction in the country. It will be simply a gorgeous structure. The main reason is that the thermal production of electricity involves making use of electricity with thermal waters of the geothermal Chachimbiro system. The design is such that the steam turbine is a structure 50 meters on each side and 45 meters high, this structure will be in a pyramid shape and completely covered by solar panels with the highest quality photovoltaic cells. On the pyramid will be a wind turbine. At the same time, the thermal water is converted into steam and then passing through the turbine generating electricity, the water passes several thermal pools. These pools will be targeted at several different options. Any thermal plant of the water needs to be injected into the system directly. So taking advantage of the geographical location we plan to create a pool complex for people to have fun, but at the same time, part of the water is to be purified and sold as bottled water and can be sold as mineral water. All around the base, we will build a water channel; it will serve as pools and water reservoir. While all the water ended leading to a waterfall built with three purposes. First to feed other hydraulic turbines, second to contribute to the beauty of the province creating a waterfall that would be visible from several parts of the province for the location of it; the third is to conduct the water to a strategic place from where we will install the water pumping station within the Chachimbiro volcano. The complex will also have four structures for management, maintenance and operations. The complex will also have a hotel and several attractions.
Plan Funding and Budget
The beauty of the process is that the company can begin to perceive the revenue of electricity production as soon as the construction of the first wind turbine and the small solar pyramid is built. Actually, long before the geothermal plant is completed. Thus revenues will grow as it becomes implemented all the different components of the systems, wind turbines, solar production and hydroelectric production. We will begin the process of also selling hydropower systems, solar systems and wind turbines.
No doubt this will become one of the most important projects in the country's electricity production and it will contribute to reducing consumption of fossil fuels, to produce clean energy while protecting the environment.
Investors are guaranteed a profit of dividends distributed monthly to at least 7.9 % of the profits of the company, the same will be delivered directly to their bank accounts to avoid costs and postage, with the alternative of which are distributed once a year to those who prefer to be delivered by mail. Also to avoid pollution all information will be provided via email and on our website that will serve as an avenue of communication with our investors and our customers. Payments will be made based on the profit after depreciation and tax payments. Also depending on the number of shares and type of shares (preferred, primary and secondary). The time span of the investment will depend on the agreement that the government of Ecuador allows and will depend on the laws in the country, allowing the contract to be for some time.
Some technical and historical consideration for the development plan.

According to EIA (Electricity Information Administration), the average wholesale cost to generate electricity for 2007 was 5.72 cents per kilowatt-hour (¢/kWh)  (2007 is their most recent data). And according to PacifiCorp annual reports (a Mid-American Subsidiary) the average revenue (cost to buyers) is 7.2 ¢/kWh. This value is necessary for calculations, not the wholesale value. The costs for transmission are extra and not addressed here under the assumption of cost-sharing with the government.

These figures vary by region, state, regulated versus non-regulated, and a number of other things. People in some areas of the country pay an average as high as 25 ¢/kWh for their power. However, for the calculations here, I will use 7.2 ¢/kWh because it is a good national average.

According to NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratories), the formula for calculating profitability or the cost to generate power (Pcost to gen ) with a wind turbine or farm is:

            Pcost to gen = [(FCR x IC) / AEP] + [(LRC + O&M + LLC) / AEP ]              (1)


FCR = fixed charge rate.   For the interested reader, has a good discussion on the rate and says this of the variable:  It’s the fraction of the Total Installed Cost that must be set aside each year to retire capital costs which include interest on the debt, return on equity, and so forth.

For our purposes, we use 7% or 0.07.

IC = initial capital or CapEx, the capital expenditure, in $.

AEP = net annual energy production, kWh.

LRC = levelized replacement cost (yearly sinking fund for overhauls and replacements), $

O&M = cost for operations and maintenance (turbine maintenance, cost/yr), $

LLC = land lease cost, $/year

Finding values for the terms in Equation 1

FCR   Assume we are a utility company building a 1-MW wind power plant rather than building another coal-powered plant. Because we are a utility, we expect to sell power for 7.2 ¢/kWh (or $0.072 /kWh), as per above.

IC  The initial capital investment or Capex is the total cost of the entire installation, which according to AWEA (American Wind Energy Association) is about $1.3 million for a 1-MW (1,000 kW) turbine.

AEP  For the annual energy production, assume a 39% capacity factor. That is, a turbine will generate on average 39% of its nameplate rating. Hence:

AEP =1,000 kW x 24 hr/day x 365 day/yr x 0.39,

AEP = 3,416,400 kWh per year.

Note to those who are checking the math here: Always include units because they will hint at a correct or meaningful figure. If a unit such as $2 comes up, look for an error.

LRC  The Levelized Replacement cost is simple. Use:

LRC = Cost of turbine / Expected life

LRC = $1.3 million / 20 years

LRC = $65,000/yr

O&M  Operations and Maintenance cost simply runs about 8% of annual gross revenue. Hence:

O&M = AEP x average revenue/kWh x 0.08

O&M = 3,416,400 kWh x $0.072/kWh x 0.08

O&M = $19,678

LLC  The Land Lease Cost is a variable as well but according to AWEA statistics its runs 5% of annual revenue

about  $12,220


With these few figures, we can calculate a value for Equation 1.

Pcost to gen  = [(0.07 x $1,300,000) / 3,416,400] + [($65,000 + $19,678 + $12,220) / 3,394,400

Pcost to gen = 0.0266 + 0.0284

Pcost to gen = 0.055

Pcost to gen = 5.50 ¢/kwh

Next, find a total annual expense (Tae) using

Tae = Pcost to gen  x AEP

Tae = $0.055 /kwh x 3,416,400 kwh

Tae = $187,902

This is the total annual expense.

From here, find annual Gross Income (Ig) using:

Ig  = $0.072 x 3,416,400

Ig = $245,980

Find annual profit (Pa) from the turbine using:

Pa = (Pselling price – Pcost to gen ) x AEP

Pa = ($0.072 − $0.055) x 3,416,400 kWh

Pa  =$0.017 x 3,416,400

Pa  = $58,079

Now that we know how much the wind farm (of one turbine) makes each year, we can calculate a return on investment or ROI using:

ROI = Pa / Total investment

ROI = $58,079 / $1.3 million

ROI = 0.0447 or 4.47%.

This seems a fairly low number for an ROI. Generally, companies require an ROI of 8% or higher if they are to invest in an idea or product.

Another important figure, the Break-Even Point, tells how long until your investment is paid for. To find a BEP, use:

BEP = Cturbine / Pa

BEP = $1,300,000 / $58,079/yr

BEP = 22.38 years

Hence, with a product life of 20 years, the product will have to work for more than 22 years before it is paid for. The reader-accountant might apply these figures to a spreadsheet to make playing with the variables more interesting.
While the company will start production of geothermal, hydro and solar energy, we are also building the complex of wind of at least 30 to 50 wind turbines and the location is awesome because the geographical location makes the winds from the Pacific Ocean blow in the mountain ranges of Yanahurco. It is extremely important to improve and double production capacity by means that will not harm the environment and taking advantage of this unique geographical place where wind, sun, geothermal power and hydraulic power can be combined. We will use all the most advanced mechanisms of frequency and electromagnetic fields and electrostatic electricity to also increase production and minimize loss of energy. Sunlight Energy Enterprises aims to create electricity or produce electricity using the most advanced technologies and in the most efficient manner. While protecting the environment, while representing profits to its investors and provides clean energy to consumers.
The development plan that Sunlight Energy originally devised stipulates to have a wind turbine while the approval process is passed and the solar plant would be built. The thermal and hydro plant eventually is implemented.
The great Nicola Tesla (the true inventor and creator of the AC electric power generators, transformer, x-rays, and even radio) had said that "we must produce electricity for the good of mankind without using the resources that are non-renewable" and is exactly what our plan of development proposed.
In the year 2007 was born the idea of a new concept for a totally unique power plant in the world. While in many ways each renewable source can function independently, at the same time combining solar, wind, hydro and thermal power makes more and better sense because the use of all the elements will improve quality and will help protect the environment. Then we searched and investigated some target places in Utah, in Canada and in South America. After careful study, we concluded that the best geographical position due to sun, wind and the geothermal resource is in Imbabura Ecuador. There are also some unique economic factors to be considered that are of paramount importance as there are few places in the world as good as this location.
In Imbabura there is a considerable thermal system called Chachimbiro, this system would allow the production of electricity using this mechanism. But the volcanic system is also in the western mountains of the Province of Imbabura which means the Pacific Ocean winds blow from west to east and so constant winds and ideal for generating wind energy. Then the geographical position in the middle of the planet has the potential of solar energy is immense, as the heat of the sun is much stronger and because the design of a solar pyramid in scale with the size of the earth and the distance to the sun, allows to capture constant and direct solar energy as we will have a perfect angle to the sun allowing maximum production all the time because they receive the solar energy constantly.
An equatorial bulge is a difference between the equatorial and polar diameters of a planet, due to the centrifugal force of its rotation. A rotating body tends to form an oblate spheroid rather than a sphere. The Earth has an equatorial bulge of 42.72 km (26.54 mi): that is, its diameter measured across the equatorial plane (12,756.28 km (7,926.38 mi) is 42.72 km more than that measured between the poles (12,713.56 km (7,899.84 mi); in other words, anyone standing at sea level on either pole maybe 21.36 km closer to the earth's centre point than if standing at sea level on the equator. To get the Earth's mean radius, these two radii must be averaged. At the same time this means the sun on the equator is much stronger than anywhere else because it is closer to the sun, solar energy is stronger.
An often-cited result of Earth's equatorial bulge is that the highest point on Earth, measured from the center outwards, is the peak of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador, rather than Mount Everest. But since the ocean, like the Earth and the atmosphere, bulges, Chimborazo is not as high above sea level as Everest is. However, any mountain in Ecuador is equally closer and receives higher solar rays than anywhere else in the world.
Gravity tends to contract a celestial body into a perfect sphere, the shape for which all the mass is as close to the centre of gravity as possible. Rotation causes a distortion from this spherical shape; a common measure of the distortion is the flattening (sometimes called ellipticity or oblateness), which can depend on a variety of factors including the size, angular velocity, density, and elasticity. The increase of rotation rate is so strong that at the faster rotation rate the required centripetal force is larger than with the starting rotation rate. Something analogous to this occurs in planet formation. The matter first coalesces into a slowly rotating disk-shaped distribution, and collisions and friction convert kinetic energy to heat, which allows the disk to self-gravitate into a very oblate spheroid. Due to all these forces solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy are stronger in the equator. Therefore ideal renewable energy forces for our project.
As long as the proto-planet is still too oblate to be in equilibrium, the release of gravitational potential energy on contraction keeps driving the increase in rotational kinetic energy. As the contraction precedes the rotation rate keeps going up, hence the required force for further contraction keeps going up. There is a point where the increase of rotational kinetic energy on further contraction would be larger than the release of gravitational potential energy. The contraction process can only proceed up to that point, so it halts there. As long as there is no equilibrium there can be violent convection, and as long as there is violent convection friction can convert kinetic energy to heat, draining rotational kinetic energy from the system. When the equilibrium state has been reached then large scale conversion of kinetic energy to heat ceases. In that sense, the equilibrium state is the lowest state of energy that can be reached. The Earth's rotation rate is still slowing down, but gradually, about two-thousandths of a second per rotation every 100 years.[1] Estimates of how fast the Earth was rotating in the past vary because it is not known exactly how the moon was formed. Estimates of the Earth's rotation 500 million years ago are around 20 modern hours per "day".
The Earth's rate of rotation is slowing down mainly because of tidal interactions with the Moon and the Sun. Since the solid parts of the Earth are ductile, the Earth's equatorial bulge has been decreasing in step with the decrease in the rate of rotation. There are some differences in gravitational acceleration. In calculations, when a coordinate system is used that is co-rotating with the Earth, the vector of the fictitious centrifugal force points outward and is just as large as the vector representing the centripetal force.
Because of a planet's rotation around its own axis, the gravitational acceleration is less at the equator than at the poles. In the 17th century, following the invention of the pendulum clock, French scientists found that clocks sent to French Guiana, on the northern coast of South America, ran slower than their exact counterparts in Paris. Measurements of the acceleration due to gravity at the equator must also take into account the planet's rotation. Any object that is stationary with respect to the surface of the Earth is actually following a circular trajectory, circumnavigating the Earth's axis. Pulling an object into such a circular trajectory requires a force. The acceleration that is required to circumnavigate the Earth's axis along the equator at one revolution per sidereal day is 0.0339 m/s². Providing this acceleration decreases the effective gravitational acceleration. At the equator, the effective gravitational acceleration is 9.7805 m/s². This means that the true gravitational acceleration at the equator must be 9.8144 m/s² (9.7805 + 0.0339 = 9.8144).
At the poles, the gravitational acceleration is 9.8322 m/s². The difference of 0.0178 m/s² between the gravitational acceleration at the poles and the true gravitational acceleration at the equator is because objects located on the equator are about 21 kilometres further away from the center of mass of the Earth than at the poles, which corresponds to a smaller gravitational acceleration. This has been taken in consideration for the proper design of angles of the solar panels in the pyramid, as well as the proper design for the size and height of the pyramid.
In summary, there are two contributions to the fact that the effective gravitational acceleration is less strong at the equator than at the poles. About 70 per cent of the difference is contributed by the fact that objects circumnavigate the Earth's axis, and about 30 per cent is due to the non-spherical shape of the Earth. The fact that the Earth's gravitational field slightly deviates from being spherically symmetrical also affects the orbits of satellites. The principal effect is to cause nodal precession so that the plane of the orbit does not remain fixed in inertial space. Smaller effects include deviation of orbits away from pure ellipses. This is especially important in the case of the trajectories of GPS-satellites. Generally, any celestial body that is rotating (and that is sufficiently massive to draw itself into spherical or near-spherical shape) will have an equatorial bulge matching its rotation rate. Saturn is the planet with the largest equatorial bulge in the Solar System (11808 km, 7337 miles). This nodes have become an important aspect for a more efficient distribution of electricity and therefore something we also have considered to improve our design.
Body                                 Equatorial diameter/Polar diameter/Equatorial bulge/ Flattening ratio
Earth     12,756.28 km      12,713.56 km      42.72 km              1:298                  .2575
The flattening coefficient for the equilibrium configuration of a self-gravitating spheroid, composed of uniform density incompressible fluid, rotating steadily about some fixed axis, for a small amount of flattening, is approximated by:[2]
where and are respectively the equatorial and polar radius,  is the mean radius,  is the angular velocity,  is the rotation period,  is the universal gravitational constant,  is the total body mass, and is the body density.
But again the same thermal energy production leads to the generation of vapours and temporary use of mineral waters with curative effects furthermore enhanced by involving a pyramid. So a tourist attraction of considerable importance is being created. On top of that, we are creating a waterfall to be able to produce some hydropower and again another attraction. Then water is purified and part is sold as mineral water, the other party is injected into the volcano to maintain the thermal system running for a longer time. In this way creates a considerable production of electric power cleanly and protecting the environment. On the other hand, a considerable source of work for the province is created by creating two tourist attractions that impelled the provincial economy for all towns and cities.
Also, we plan to use the land that is in use by the wind turbines can be used as a refuge for certain species such as llamingo, llamas, wild horses etc. creating another attraction. But there are other sources and resources that suddenly can be explored by electricity. The creator of the plan has also considered essential to create a ski resort with artificial snow on the slopes of Chachimbiro.
In addition to the initial plan of the creator of the 2007 plan had considered the fact that thermal energy engineers, wind power engineers, hydro and solar power would be working in Ecuador. That is an important fact that for the benefit of the company we should encourage in setting up the faculties if such professions with local universities. We had initially proposed such idea, coincidentally; the central government two years later claimed to have led a study and the concept of the city of knowledge to be created as Yachay. We assume that was pure coincidence. However, in reality, the concept of the government involves the use of huge resources and expenses to graduate students with masters degrees, while under our concept the way the creation of faculties in power generation systems is justified, because it part of the proceeds from the power plant luzdelsol intends to finance the University and expenses. Besides working hard with the country's universities and other universities had initially was proposed as Oxford, MIT and Virginia Tech
Essentially we will borrow the resource to generate electricity, but not squander the resource and we will increase the production of electricity and help contribute to the economy. Our development plan undoubtedly will contribute to the economy of the province as a significant number of jobs will be created in the construction of the access roads, administration buildings, the pyramid structure, thermal plant, hydraulics, reservoirs and pools. Undoubtedly there will be jobs in the network electrification of all the plant and lighting systems both of the plant, as the resort. The company believes it's vital that their development is in constant community support.
IV. Investment Required
We are seeking funding for the company and will make a public offering eventually. However, at this time we are allowing 45% ownership of the company. (The main reason for that is that Ecuadorian laws have some restrictions of ownership of energy plants, we may need to clear those legal aspects before a larger investment is allowed) The plan of the company is paying 7.9 % dividend to all investors. Profits will be distributed according to the type of investment and according to the development phase in which the investor has entered. Major shareholders are certainly investing in the company and in all its activities and therefore are entitled to benefit from all sources of income of the company. Other investors receive dividends in each division of the company; whether you have invested in the hydraulic plant, the wind farm, the solar or the geothermal plant and will receive dividends only of each division. While some investments may be affected by the laws and conditions of the Ecuadorian government. Tax payments and payments will be affected respectively of the agreement with the government and have the government guarantees payment of Ecuador.
Total funding for the company will be $98,500.000. Money distribution is as follows. The total cost of the geothermal plant is estimated to be around thirteen million dollars and is the cost that some plants in Denmarck have been built and therefore we are quoting a real figure of a company that had already built a proven system. The total cost of the hydroelectric plant will be around fifteen million. While the solar pyramid will be around $ 10,000 million. We will also invest about 10 million dollars in the wind turbines and the rest is infrastructure. However, it is important to mention that because the production and construction are interdependent, the company will begin to receive revenues at the conclusion of the first solar pyramid and the first turbine/generator 30KW which is expected to be only $ 500,000. The total cost refers to the construction of at least 30 wind turbines. The solar pyramid should be able to produce at least 5MW by December 2015.
Business Philosophy.
Industry Analysis and Market
The company will sign an agreement with the government of Ecuador, and or with Emelnorte as am independent power generator of electricity for the next 20/25/50 years under the PPP contract, receiving about 14.9 cents per watt in its first three years of existence. Prices are supposed to change in a yearly bases. It is important however to know that revenues be collected from the time it begins to generate electricity. So there will be no need for marketing, distribution, customer service. There will be the cost of connecting to the network in the country, although we would negotiate for the central government and local governments to pay for it. We will negotiate some tax relief in the initial phase of the project and be tax-exempt for at least fifteen years while we recuperate the investment.
The company hopes to build its first plant in Imbabura, Ecuador. To this end we will sign an agreement with the government of Ecuador as a generator of electricity for the next 20/25/50 years under the PPP contract, receiving about 14.9 cents per watt in its first three years of existence. Prices are supposed to change after that time. It is important however to know that revenues be collected from the time it begins to generate electricity. So there will be no need for marketing, marketing, distribution, customer service. If there will be the cost of connecting to the network in the country, although we will negotiate with the government to pay for it.
The designs patented by the founder of the company take a giant step in harnessing renewable resources to maximize the generation of renewable energy. It is the most innovative way to use hot springs in various processes of electricity generation. We have identified six areas where our systems CER could be implemented taking into account the geographical position and the location of resources to maximize production.
In the first CER will use to build the solar resource for the ease of building the system and to raise revenue as quickly as possible. Our concept involves the construction of a solar pyramid. It will be capable of producing about 120MW of electricity. Construction of the solar system will be done as soon as approval is received. Which will start earning income by December 2015 as the first part of our mission is completed, long before we start construction of the other systems, such as the geothermal system in Imbabura, Ecuador Chachimbiro. The wonderful thing about the system is that electricity can be generated as soon as the first part is completed and you may receive revenues since. While the geothermal power plant and 30MW hydro plant will be operating within a structure built like a pyramid, the same shall be covered with nano solar cells (40% more efficient than conventional solar power generation) producing more electricity.
Geothermal plants can produce 24 hours a day and use up to 95 % of the energy resource. But using the water extracted of the geothermal resource for a hydraulic process certainly increases production. Not only that but using mineral water to be purified and sell it on the market. This leads to an investment in a purification system. While it comes to paying the government for geothermal location, costs are low compared to the cost that would be paid or diesel fuel for long life of a thermal system.
Sunlight Energy is in the process of acquiring properties. It could also become a great source of income because property values will increase exponentially when Yachay becomes a reality. We are processing permits and requesting approval of the national government and local governments. Systems are unique in concept, design to integrate all systems of clean renewable energy. Because it has patented systems we intend to “license “such operations. We are proud to create clean energy that contributes to environmental protection. All of our production plants are made using clean renewable energy: Including geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy and new hydraulic technology.
Sunlight Enterprises Energy Inc. is planning to start the process initially building two wind turbines and solar plant together because, on one hand, it is essential to obtain accurate data on the capacity of electricity production. Only then we can conduct accurate measurements of wind and production. On the other hand, we will also be receiving revenues needed to advance the process. At the same time, we plan to submit to the government a proposal to allow some tax relief and compensation for investment. While at the permits are processed and both environmental and scientific studies regarding the production of geothermal and hydropower are completed.
   The company will work hard at obtaining favourable regulations and formulating laws that provide incentives, tax cuts and quick approval of permits for construction of facilities. Besides we will be demanding guarantees for investors with the national government of Ecuador. We believe that over time we will get all the approvals to our plan. We will work hard on the logistics of construction, operation and maintenance. Besides having by then acquired data with turbines installed at each location.
The founder of the company has not only patented the systems and conducted simulated computer analysis to calculate the electrical output of our systems. But a number of mathematical calculations have been made to design the pyramid in a way to take perfect advantage of the solar heat, and equal calculations will be made for the location of each wind turbine. Every single aspect has been considered with respect to the position of the geothermal system. But the angle of the pyramid, the base size and height has been calculated to the size of the earth, the distance from the sun, and the Earth's position to have sunlight almost constantly at the highest power. Also, the wind farm has been calculated because it winds blowing exactly peaceful system precisely winds exceeding the selected area for the wind farm can say with absolute certainty that is the best position on the planet.

It is vital to integrate the most advanced technologies to help monitor and supervise the system to control energy in the most efficient manner. Equally important is to obtain the most accurate gauges to monitor the total capacity to be delivered to the network in the country and to receive proper and adequate payments and appropriate remuneration. We hope to integrate the latest photovoltaic technology and nano voltaic technology to integrate it into electricity production that can double the current standard. The most important aspect of investing is to understand that the production of our electricity centres will increase as the project phases are completed. No need to wait for the completion of the work to be earning profits. However, the power production will not be restricted because every part of the system is interdependent on one another. Each phase will work without the need of the other and obtain the maximum production capacity. Electricity production using solar energy involves a revolutionary system in the industry. While our systems integrate all renewable energy in a way never done before offsetting each other to minimize any loss of electricity production.